The Playstage concept was created by Lynn Brittney, who is a published playwright and author. Many years ago, Lynn was a drama teacher for both children and adults and started writing plays for her students to perform. Her adult plays (some published by Samuel French and now all published by Playstage Senior) have been performed all over the world but it was in the area of children’s and young adult plays that Lynn felt there was a huge gap.
“I feel passionately that drama and performance in schools is greatly undervalued, at all levels of education, because experience has taught me that, at primary level, drama is a tool for building confidence, stimulating imagination and enhancing reading skills. At senior school level, drama can be a powerful tool for developing team work, enhancing creativity and expanding self-awareness.
Lynn also adds, “The experience of performance as a child or young adult, should be one of joy and achievement, that you have entertained and informed people – made them smile, laugh, feel good, taught them something about a subject. It should be an affirmative experience. I felt there was a need for plays that were just pure entertainment. My writers and I work very hard to provide fun and relaxation in our plays. They can be performed to any audience of any age. They have been performed in schools, children’s hospitals, elderly care homes and at charity events. If you need to raise money for your school or you just need to raise spirits, then the quickest way to do it is to raise a smile or provoke some thought through entertainment.”